Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Seth Abramson’s Fall from Grace

May 3, 2022

You might know Seth Abramson. He’s not unfamous on Substack and for a long time he’s billed himself as the founder of “post-internet writing”. I’m writing this because an event happened in the news that finally exposed some parts of the legend of Seth that I find unsavory. He has been flirting with what is to me a forbidden line for a long time, but he ultimately crossed it recently. 

The context is important, but the tweets in which I expressed myself are clear. There was in the context of the Ukrainian-Russian war a story about the “Ghost of Kyiv”, supposedly a fighter pilot who shot down a lot of Russian planes. It turns out this was false. The whole time it had been a Ukrainian propaganda effort. But Seth fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and published a full-length story about it on his personal page. 

Many people fell for it, of course. But Seth has long billed himself as the epitome of the “internet writer”, I believe, falsely. And to cling to that kind of oversized personal story in the greedy way that Seth has done, but to fall for a clear propaganda story, completely dissolves his oversized claim to credibility.  It’s a story of Seth’s hubris. It calls for some remorse and humility, but that kind of credibility that he claimed for himself can’t be regained, and never should have existed in the first place. 

The following happened after I called him out on Twitter. I don’t believe it’s unreasonable to say this is not Just Another Twitter Dispute. To a real extent, it is about What We Are Talking About When We Talk About The Internet. I believe it’s worth your time to read, and it will not drag on as long as Seth’s fallacious Ghost of Kyiv story.

(Edit/NB 5/3/22 8:23pm: I removed a few repetitions of the same tweet. Still getting used to this. 🤷‍♂️)

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