Friday, July 29, 2022

We’re not all in this together, especially not with Wall Street.

 July 29, 2022

We are not all in this together. 

It's late on a Friday, but I can't let this one go without comment. Someone leaked an internal memo from Bank of America's investment arm to the press. The Intercept revealed that Bank of America is secretly angling for there to be fewer job openings in the economy relative to unemployed workers. 

We're far from living in an economy where people genuinely all think "we're all in this together" or some other such propagandistic claptrap. If the big banks can make money on people not being able to find a job, they will, unless they're stopped. 

I really don't give a hoot if they're actually banking on the overall numbers in some way - the problem is that they can't separate "the numbers" overall from the fact that sending out these sneaky reports urging their billionaire/bank readers to manipulate the economy so that the economy has fewer job openings for people is transgressing from "fun with economic numbers" to direct economic terrorism on everyday folks' job prospects. To a certain and not-insignificant extent, they also were the ones that bent over backwards for our previous President to do "fraud with numbers" to drive up the stock markets by any means necessary, and now when it is revealed that they created a bubble, the big banks have decided to take the difference for their misadventure out of the pockets of the working class. I'm surprised none of these guys went to prison after the housing bubble crash, but this one is outright fraud.

The only thing more unethical than making bets on the success or failure of a harvest is making "bets on the labor market" like it is now clear that Wall Street is doing, and has been doing. You should show to any discerning observer, that the Wall Street economy was based on, and is still continuing on the market evolution of, the slave trade of African and Native Americans. 

An American worker's job should be sacrosanct relative to him, or her. But to these Wall Street slave traders, nothing is sacrosanct, not even human well-being.

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