August 4, 2022
Resolving the hubristic delusions of Mr. Harari and Mr. Peterson…
OK, I'll do it. There's a very basic need to answer a question about "nature" and "happiness", and there is a very basic answer to it.
We do ask ourselves this when we're in a thinking mood. It's a very Gen Z question, which is "why can't I be happy just being out in nature, like I was when I was a happy kid; isn't nature so important?" And so on.
And the answer is quite simple. It is that the Internet is a mess, and therefore the State is a mess, and we feel responsibility because the Internet (not any one platform, but the whole public Internet) is a public square.
I would go further to say that people like Mr. Peterson and Mr. Harari are examples of why the Internet is a mess, by asking base and repetitive questions over and over with the air that they are making very important points. That's the dregs of the elitism of Internet early adapters, that Internet early adapters have along since tossed out. We have more important controversies to deal with and talk about.
I look forward to Mr. Zizek’s next conquest.
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