Friday, August 12, 2022

Who benefits?

 Who benefits?

August 12, 2022 Late night/early morning

"Who benefits?" Here's everyone's complaint when they start to realize that the system is constructed to benefit the vast minority, or no one, that they know or even know of. How does it work if clearly the system benefits only the fewest possible number of people? Well, what makes you think that the system works at all, or that it's supposed to benefit anyone at all? That should be something to think about, but not to think about too much. I don't go around looking for someone to take this vast systemic grievance to. There's a beautiful bittersweet anecdotal story about someone who went around to every hall of power he could find to specifically speak them truth to power, come hell, prison or high water. He was indefatigable and magnificently cursed. One thing that got him locked up was when he told the chancellor of a European country that his office was printing more money than there were commodities to back them up. Voltaire wrote that story. It's not like they've stopped making policy decisions like that. Why do they do that? The billionaires have no clue and have no clue how to benefit from that any more than the averagely intellectual person no matter their social status. Incompetence, here, is ignorance. Ignorance of what competence means. Most people, no matter what their credentials, are incompetent at whatever they actually have to do, until they do it. And these are people that are in government and other positions of power too. If there is a vast conspiracy, the conspiracy is incompetence. Meritocracy in this understanding is a problem; people leading with their credentials should be a disparaged absurdity. But when those exact people make big public mistakes when something goes wrong and get in trouble, it is kinda nice because it's funny to see pride come before a fall. Why have a system of government at all if it doesn't advance the best and brightest to the highest authority? But that's not the point of having a system of government. The point of having a system of government is to not have no system of government. So who benefits? The barbarians, I guess. Or the people who don't get beat up so much. Y'know, people would rather forget these things - the war crimes, the atrocities, the callousness of the rich towards the poor - these are things people want to forget. This is the reason we have governments and other systems like that, so that we forget. What's the point of having them? So that we still remember what some want to forget. It's only then that people can forget. 

(Felt tip pen, bound journal, cursive)

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