Wednesday, August 31, 2022

You know, we're talking about talking about .mil like it's .com.

 You know, we're talking about talking about .mil like it's .com.

August 31, 2022

You something I think is important to be said, talked about, and generally known. This is something that I think the oppositionally defiant protest culture has overblown the contradistinction to. But I think people should remember even now that we need to take our power back: because you don't want to take all your marbles to a game where people aren't even playing marbles.

 The Internet was not invented by the military. It's not a military technology. The military was early to use it, and is still with long experience at it, the difference here is between an early adopter and the innovator himself.

The Internet was created by an academic effort essentially for educators. Basically to share PDFs. And text messages.

What does this appear relevant to me? Because if we want to record, we shouldn't be laying our concerns on the doorstep of the military. We should walk that back and aim at the heart of the problem.

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